Eskişehir Medical Journal aims to publish qualified and original clinical, experimental and basic researches, reviews, case reports, editorial comments and letters to the editor at international level. Publications will be announced to national and international scientific environments through our journal and will contribute to scientific communication and development.
Eskişehir Medical Journal is the scientific-based official publication of Eskişehir City Hospital. It is published electronically in 3 issues (March, July, November). The official language of the journal is English. Our journal is on basic medical sciences, clinical sciences and health sciences in Turkey and in the world; It broadcasts in accordance with the principles of independent, unbiased, double-blind refereeing.
The publication acceptance and publication stages of our journal are free of charge. No fee will be charged from the author or institution at any stage.
1. Author Contribution Form (
2. Copyright Transfer Form (
3. Conflict of Interest Form (
Articles submitted to the journal should not have been previously published in any journal or submitted to another journal for simultaneous publication. Articles previously partially presented or related to doctoral or specialty theses may be accepted provided that this is indicated as a footnote on the title page.
In order for a manuscript to be published, it must be reviewed by the editor (s) as required or have the referees reviewed; must be deemed appropriate both in terms of writing order and content. Articles submitted to the journal are primarily evaluated by the editor. It is then sent to at least 2 reviewers who are not related to the study and are suitable for the relevant subject. Authors have the right to suggest reviewers to the journal. The editor can select the reviewers from the advisory board of the journal, individuals who are not included in the advisory board, or the reviewres suggested by the author. The article sent to the reviewers does not include the identity of the author (s) or information about the institution. In addition, the articles are analyzed by a third referee in terms of statistics when deemed necessary. In line with the decision of the referees, it is decided by the editor-in-chief whether the manuscript will be accepted or not. Reviewer identification is not included in the reviewer reports sent to the authors that require positive or negative correction. Articles that do not comply with the editorial terms of publication; The editor has the authority to send back to the author, edit or reject the articles that do not comply with the publication conditions.
The persons and organizations from which all kinds of financial assistance and other support are received for research should be declared and the situations related to the conflict of interest should be explained under the title of "Conflict of Interest". In addition, the roles and task distribution of all authors in the creation of the study should be specified (Surgical and Medical Applications, Concept, Design, Data Collection or Processing, Analysis or Interpretation, Literature Review, Writing) in articles with more than one author.
In the articles, it is expected from authors to meet at least one of the following two internationally accepted criteria:
- Contribution to the project design of the study, obtaining, analyzing or interpreting the data,
- Having an important contribution to the writing or intellectual development of the article.
All authors must agree with the final version of the article.
In addition, all authors must have approval for the accuracy, originality and integrity of the study.
Eskisehir Medical Journal accepts as a principle to comply with the Helsinki Declaration ethical standards ( /30publications/10policies/b3/index.html). Therefore, in all studies conducted on humans, it should be stated that the study was conducted in accordance with these principles in the Material and Method section of the article (the articles should include the statement that the Research and Publication Ethics are followed) and the ethics committee approval was obtained. An expression such as "Verbal ethical approval has been obtained" should not be used. The patient or volunteers with whom the study was conducted should be informed and their consent should be obtained and this should be written in the Materials and Methods section of the article. If the identity of the patient is revealed through the use of any visual media, permission must be obtained from the patients or their parents / guardians. In animal studies, it should be stated in the Materials and Methods section of the article that the study was conducted in accordance with the principles of the Guidelines for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals ( and the ethics committee approval was obtained from the relevant institution.
A copy of the ethics committee approval must be uploaded to the system.
The authors should provide information about whether commercial companies or companies have contributed to the study, if any, the type of contribution (data collection, data analysis, participation in the discussions at the writing stage of the article, etc.). If the study was supported by the scientific institution (s), it should be stated.
All responsibility of the articles sent to the journal belongs to the authors. The editorial board is authorized not to publish articles that do not comply with the editorial rules, to send them back to the author for correction, and to arrange them formally. Unaccepted manuscripts (other than original figures, drawings, pictures or photographs) are not returned to the author. Authors should keep copies of the manuscripts they submit.
Eskisehir Medical Journal reserves the right to submit the article to the investigation of the support organizations or other authorities, if a possible scientific error, suspicion or allegation of ethical violation is encountered in the research submitted to the journal. This journal accepts responsibility for the proper follow-up of the issue, but does not take over the actual investigation or decision-making authority on errors.
Documents to be Uploaded:
Article files should be prepared with Microsoft Office Word. The online submission system will guide authors through all stages of the submission and provide the necessary support to speed up the submission process. Below is a list of files that must be provided through the online application system.
1. Title page
2. Main text
Abstract pages, keywords, main text and tables must be uploaded in a single Word file.
3.Graphics and Figures
Graphics and figures should never be added to the end of the main text or sent as a Word file.
4. Copyright transfer form
5. ICMJE Disclosure Form for Potential Conflicts of Interest
6. Ethics committee decision
Preparation of Articles
All research articles should be written in accordance with the following titles: (1) Title page, (2) Turkish abstract and keywords, (3) English abstract and keywords, (4) Introduction, (5) Methods, (6) Results, (7) ) Discussion, (8) Conclusion, (9) Acknowledgment, (10) Conflict of interest, (11) Funding sources, (12) References, (13) Tables, (14) Figure explanations, (15) Figures . It is preferred that the methods, findings and discussion sections be handled with subheadings when necessary.
Case reports should include a Turkish abstract and key words, and an English abstract and key words. Subsequently, case reports should be organized under the headings of introduction, case report and discussion.
Titles suitable for the development of the article can be used in reviews, letters to the editor and editorials
Title Page
Reviewer candidates recommended by the author should be indicated on the title page. Whether or not the article will be sent to these reviewers is at the discretion of the editor.
All manuscripts except letters to the editor should include Turkish and English abstract. Abbreviations should be avoided as much as possible in the abstract section. References, figures, tables and citations should not be included. The number of words in the abstract section should be between 150-300.
After the title page, a new page in a separate Word file should include Turkish and English abstract sections, including the Turkish and English titles of the article. Abstract section should include "Introduction", "Methods", "Results" and "Conclusion" sections. Turkish and English keywords should be added right after the abstract. The number of keywords should be at least 3. The list of Turkey Science Terms for Turkish keywords and the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) list of the American National Library of Medicine (NLM) can be used for English keywords.
Segmented abstracts are not mandatory for case reports, reviews, and editorial articles. If the article is not suitable, the abstract can be uploaded in an unsegmented form.
Briefly, the purpose of the study should be written together with the available data regarding the researched subject.
How the study was conducted, how the participants were selected, and what methods were used should be written in detail in this section. References must be added for known methods. New or modified methods used should be described in detail. Doses, concentrations, route and duration of administration of drugs and chemical agents should be stated. The generic names of the drugs used should be given. If a well-known method is used, the method should not be explained in detail, but should be supported by the reference (s) accessible to readers. It should be stated that the study was conducted in accordance with the Research and Publication Ethics and the Ethics Committee Approval was obtained, and the number and date of the Ethics Committee Approval (board name, date and number number) should be indicated in parentheses.
Findings should be written in a logical order and as detailed as possible in the text, supported by figures and tables; The information given in figures and tables should not be repeated in the text unless necessary.
The new and important aspects of the study and the results obtained from them should be discussed by comparing with the relevant literature information. The opinion of the author (s) and their suggestions for future studies, if any, should be stated.
The conclusion of the study should be briefly summarized.
The names of individuals who contributed to the study but do not meet the authorship criteria should be given in this section. The approval of all individuals whose names are mentioned in the acknowledgment section must be obtained.
Conflict of Interest
Under this heading, all potential conflicts of interest should be declared. All relationships with pharmaceutical companies, manufacturers of biomedical devices or other companies that have services or products related to the subject of the article must be clearly stated. If there is no conflict of interest, "conflict of interest: no" statement should be written in this section.
Funding Sources:
Under this heading, the names of the funds or institutions supporting the study, if any, should be written.
References should be arranged according to the order of mention in the text; unpublished results and personal interviews should not be cited as references. Authors should refer only to studies that they have directly benefited from; Referencs which cannot be verified will be requested from the authors during publication preparation.
The reference writing style of our journal is "Vancouver" style. If there are six or fewer, all authors should be mentioned, if there are more than six authors, the third author should be followed by "et al."
1. Articles
Yüksel H, Güzelsoy D, Yazıcıoğlu N, et al. Long-term prognosis after a first myocardial infaction in Turkey: determinants of mortality and reinfarction. Cardiology 1994;84:345-55.
2. Ahead of print articles with doi number
Roten L, Derval N, Sacher F, et al. Ajmaline attenuates electrocardiogram characteristics of inferolateral early repolarization. Heart Rhythm 2011 Sep 19 [E-pub ahead of print].
3) Book
Katz AM. Physiology of the heart. 3rd ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2000.
4) Chapter in a book
Anderson JL, Muhlestein JB. The role of infection. In: Theroux P, editor. Acute coronary syndromes: a companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders; 2003. p. 88-107.
5) Web page
Nainggolan L. New salt paper causes controversy. Heartwire. May 3, 2011. Available at: Accessed June 12, 2011.
Each table should be prepared double-spaced on a separate page just after the references section. Each table should be given a short title. Explanations should be made in footnotes, not in the title. All non-standard abbreviations should be explained in the footnotes. The following symbols should be used for footnotes respectively: (*, †, ‡, §, ||, ¶, **, ††, ‡‡). Make sure that each table is mentioned in the text.
Figure legends
Figure legends should be added on a separate page.
Figures should be uploaded to the system as a separate file and should not be sent as a Word file or attached to the end of the article. Figures and graphics should be drawn or photographed professionally and should be of photo quality when recorded digitally. Electronic files of figures and graphics should be sent in JPEG or TIF format in a format that will create an image in high resolution (at least 300 dpi) and the image quality of these files should be checked on the computer screen before sending. X-rays, CT, MRI films and other diagnostic images and photos of pathological specimens should be sent in high quality (at least 300 dpi), usually 127-173 mm in size. Letters, numbers and symbols on the pictures should be clear throughout the article, and of a size that can be read even when the image is reduced in size for publication. Pictures should be as self-explanatory as possible. If the photograph of the patient (s) is to be used, either the patient (s) must not be recognized from the photograph, or written permission must be obtained from the patient (s) or their relative legally responsible for the patient (s). Starting from a separate page, captions and footnotes for figures, graphics and pictures should be written double-spaced and indicating the corresponding figure with numbers. When symbols, arrows, numbers or letters are used to identify parts of the figure, each must be clearly identified in the footnotes. If there is a quote, text, table, figure that has been previously published,the authors must obtain written permission from the copyright holder and must indicate this in the text
Plagiarism is the use of others' published or unpublished ideas or words (or other intellectual property rights) without reference or person, and presented as new and original rather than derived from an existing source. Self-abduction means that an author uses some parts of his previous articles on the same topic elsewhere in his publications, especially without citing ( .
When quoting from an article, if the original source is cited in accordance with academic rules, even if the authors' permission is not received, such a quote is not included in the scope of plagiarism. Because it would be difficult to get permission from each author for every quote you make, considering that it is difficult to reach these people. For this reason, as long as there are clear directions to the resources used, there is no obstacle in quoting. Publications with plagiarism and/or self-abduction are not considered in the Eskisehir Medical Journal. Uploaded articles are scanned with the appropriate plagiarism program (iThenticate, Turnitin, etc.) and articles with a similarity rate of more than 20% are considered plagiarism and rejected.
According to the result of the similarity report, one of the following three decisions is made about the article.
• It is sent to the editor for evaluation.
• It is sent back to the author with a correction request.
• Rejection process is carried out without taking into consideration.
All scientific manuscripts submitted to the Eskişehir Medical Journal must adhere to the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and the International Standards for Editors and Authors set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
In cases of ethical violations such as duplicate publication, plagiarism, or fabricated data, the COPE guidelines are considered the primary reference.
Articles are screened using an Academic Plagiarism Detection Program (
1. Authors
Authors must comply with all authorship principles and conflict of interest disclosures detailed in Sections IIA and B of this document.
a. Predatory or Fake Journals
The rapid increase in the number of so-called "scientific journals," which are primarily profit-driven and publish all submissions for a fee without any editorial filtering, has led to the emergence of predatory journals. Preserving certain standards in scientific publishing has become more critical than ever. Therefore, our journal adheres to the recommendations and standards of organizations such as ICMJE, COPE, and WAME..
2. Journals
a. Confidentiality
Manuscripts submitted to journals are considered the private and confidential property of the authors. Authors may be harmed if any details or the entirety of a submission are disclosed prematurely.
Therefore, editors must not share the content or status of submissions, including reviews or final decisions, with anyone outside the authors and reviewers. Requests from third parties for manuscripts or for use in legal proceedings should be politely declined, and editors should make every effort not to provide such confidential materials even under court subpoena.
Editors should clearly state that reviewers are required to keep the manuscripts, associated materials, and contained information strictly confidential. Reviewers and editorial staff must not publicly discuss the author’s work. Reviewers should not retain the manuscript for personal use and must destroy physical copies and delete electronic copies after submitting their reviews.
If a manuscript is rejected, journals should delete the copies from editorial systems unless local regulations mandate otherwise. Journals that retain rejected manuscript copies must explain this practice in their Author Guidelines.
Journals should keep the original submission, review, revisions, and correspondence of published articles for at least three years, and possibly indefinitely, to address future questions regarding the works, in accordance with local regulations.
Editors should not publish reviewers’ comments without explicit permission from the reviewers and authors. If journal policy ensures reviewer anonymity and comments are unsigned, this anonymity should not be disclosed to authors or others without the reviewer’s written consent.
In cases of fraud or allegations of misconduct, confidentiality may need to be breached. However, editors should communicate this with authors or reviewers and respect confidentiality otherwise.
b. Timeliness
Editors should ensure that submissions are processed in a timely manner using available resources. If editors intend to publish an article, they should strive to do so promptly and discuss planned delays with the authors. If a journal does not intend to proceed with a manuscript, editors should aim to reject it as quickly as possible, allowing the authors to submit it to another journal.
c. Peer Review
Peer review is the critical evaluation of manuscripts submitted to journals, often conducted by experts who are not part of the editorial staff. Peer review is essential to scientific research and provides a mechanism for fair evaluation of submitted work. It also helps editors decide which submissions are suitable for their journals and can improve the quality of reporting by authors.
The value of peer review is widely debated, but it facilitates fair assessment within the scientific community. Editors are responsible for establishing appropriate peer-review systems and ensuring that reviewers have access to all materials needed for assessment, including supplementary materials.
Editors are also responsible for interpreting and evaluating reviewer comments appropriately. Peer-reviewed journals are not obligated to accept all submitted manuscripts and are not required to follow reviewer suggestions. Editors are ultimately accountable for selecting content and may reject manuscripts for reasons unrelated to quality, such as journal scope or relevance. Editors can also reject accepted articles if concerns arise about integrity or other issues.
Journals should provide a clear description of their peer review process, including whether it is open or blind, the number and type of reviewers involved, and other relevant details. Journals should also recognize the contributions of reviewers, such as sharing reviewer comments among peers to promote learning.
Editors are encouraged to review research protocols, statistical analysis plans, and other project-specific documents as part of peer review. They may also require authors to make such documents publicly available as a condition for publication.
Some journals mandate independent statistical analysis of trial data or specify data-sharing requirements for authors. Journals should clearly outline their requirements for data analysis and transparency in an easily accessible format.
Mechanisms should be in place for post-publication peer review, allowing readers to comment on published works, ask questions, or provide critiques. Authors should be expected to respond appropriately to such feedback and cooperate with data requests or additional inquiries related to their publication.
d. Integrity
Editorial decisions should be based on the suitability of the manuscript for the journal and its originality, quality, and contribution to critical questions. Decisions should not be influenced by commercial interests, personal relationships, agendas, or controversial findings. Studies with inconclusive or statistically non-significant results should not be excluded solely for these reasons.
Journals should have a clear appeals process and systems to address complaints. Editors must remain independent and unbiased in making decisions and ensure that published content reflects the highest standards of scientific integrity.
e. Journal Metrics
Journal impact factors are often misused as proxies for research quality or as metrics for evaluating researchers’ careers, grants, or promotions. The ICMJE recommends minimizing the emphasis on journal impact factors and instead encourages journals to provide a range of metrics to inform readers and authors.
3. Reviewers
Manuscripts submitted to journals are the private and confidential property of the authors, and premature disclosure may harm them.
Reviewers are required to keep manuscripts and the information they contain strictly confidential. They must not publicly discuss the work or contact authors without permission. Reviewers should not retain manuscripts for personal use and must destroy all copies after completing their evaluations.
Reviewers are expected to respond promptly to review requests and submit their comments within the agreed time frame. Their feedback should be constructive, honest, and respectful.
Reviewers must disclose any conflicts of interest and recuse themselves from the review process if a conflict exists.
The publication acceptance and publication stages of our journal are free of charge. No fee will be charged from the author or institution at any stage.